CLRC return to rowing


Sat 06 Jun 2020 00:00 — Sun 06 Sep 2020 00:00

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Upon advice from ACT Government and Rowing Australia, CLRC are planning a limited return to club rowing commencing Saturday 6 June 2020. The Executive are seeking CLRC members intention to return to rowing - noting the requirement to abide by the CLRC COVID SAFE ENVIRONMENT PLAN.

The current COVID-SAFE restrictions that apply to rowing at CLRC  include:

  • no more than 20 people in the shed at any one time
  • social distancing being observed at the appropriate times
  • all members have to sign in and out
  • all members have to use hand sanitser on entry and leaving
  • shower facilities will not be available except for safety reasons
  • all boats and equipment have to be washed down BEFORE and AFTER each row
  • all rowing members agree to participate in a deep clean of the shed on a rotating roster 
  • all rowing members have to sign the CLRC RETURN TO ROWING IN A COVID-SAFE ENVIRONMENT PLAN acknowledging that that have read and will abide by the plan before commencing rowing
  • rowing for masters will only occur on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday at set times. No access to the sheds are available outside of these times
  • at this time no coxed boats or octo/eights can be rowed
  • Changes to or cessation of the rowing program may be implemented at short notice at the direction of the ACT Govenrment or Rowing Australia

Failure to agree to the conditions of the CLRC COVID Safe Environment Plan may see individual and potentially club rowing rights suspended.

A condition of returning to rowing at CLRC is reading and agreeing to the conditions contained within the attached CLRC Return to Rowing in a COVID-Safe Environment Plan. Your agreement can be acknowledged through the registration link.


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