Shoalhaven Row - 8-10 September - Expression of Interest


Fri 08 Sep 2017 00:00 — Sun 10 Sep 2017 00:00

Event information

This event has passed.

The plan:


  1. Accommodation at Loyd Perin's house at Werringong. We have three large bedrooms (two with queen sized beds and another with two single beds). In each of the bedrooms there is enough room to set up a camp bed/ blow up mattresses. In addition, there is a large down stairs area that can accommodate two or three people on camp beds/ blow up mattresses. It would help if you have your own camp beds/ blow up mattresses. As we will we not be able to accommodate everyone, people can stay at Cronin’s Hotel (my favourite pub in Gerringong) about 5 minutes away from our house. I have stayed Cronin’s when visiting our house while it was under construction, and the hotel is quite comfortable. For those wanting a little more luxury there is the Mercure Resort Hotel, again only 5 minutes away from our house.
  2. Feeding ourselves. We can rustle up some eggs, pancakes, baked beans and bacon for breakfast. For evening meals we can order in fish & chips or pizzas or fire up our BBQ. Alternatively, we could eat at the Mercure Hotel as we did on a previous trip. If people want to try something different there is a great Vietnamese Restaurant in Kiama – “Hanoi on Manning” Street (you can check them out on the web). This is our favourite restaurant at the coast but it is essential to book early on Saturday nights!
  3. Towing the boats. Loyd will tow the Yoles. We could ask Les to tow the tinnie like he did for our trip to Sydney. Les, if you are coming along can you do this for us please? Otherwise, we might have to ask John Harris whether he could take the tinnie down on his Landcruiser.
  4. Rowing. I’m proposing that we row on Saturday and Sunday. We will launch from the boat ramp at Nowra (about 35 minutes away from my house) and on Saturday I’m proposing to have a lengthy row by going down stream towards the mouth of the Shoalhaven, returning past the launching spot and then going up stream. After morning tea we can head back to Nowra. Sunday’s row could be a little shorter – either going up or down stream depending on what people would like. Let me if you want to do something different.
  5. Coxing. As usual, we can share the coxing role on various legs of the row. That can be settled on the day.


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