
Cherrybrook Senior & Little Athletics Centre Inc.


Cherrybrook Athletics Club

Welcome to Cherrybrook Athletics Club. Cherrybrook Athletics is one of the largest and most successful athletics clubs in NSW and caters for beginners of all ages and abilities.

Our Centre and officials

Cherrybrook Senior and Little Athletics Centre Inc. is affiliated with both Little Athletics NSW and Athletics NSW. Any athlete, as long as they will turn 3 years or older in the starting year of registration, and are registered with us, can compete at the Cherrybrook centre, subject to any limitations placed by the Centre Committee on overall registrations for the season.

Cherrybrook commenced in 1994 as a Little Athletics Centre, with competition open to U6’s through to U15’s. From the 2001/2002 season Senior athletes (U16’s and above) have also been able to compete on a Friday evening, after our affiliation with Athletics NSW. In the 2008/09 season, the U17 age group was added to the Little A’s group.

The principal aim of our Centre is to provide fun and fitness through athletics competition for all  members in a family atmosphere. The Centre is operated on a non-profit basis, and aside from our qualified coaches, operated entirely by parents and family members on a voluntary basis.

Cherrybrook Athletics provides Friday evening competition at Greenway Oval 2 for athletes aged 3 – 16 years. Our Cherrybrook Tiny Tots program for 3–4-year-olds, runs from 4:45pm – 5:30pm. All other athletes (Under 6 to Under 17) start with warm up at 5.45pm followed by the first event at 6pm and most age groups finishing by 8.15pm. Some optional events are held before and after the main program, during the Summer athletics season (September through to March) at Greenway Park Oval #2, Cherrybrook. 

The season will commence on 1st September and run through to the end of May each year. Our Senior Club members from 12 years onwards have the opportunity to compete at Athletics NSW meets in the Sydney region throughout the season.

Our Summer Program operates on a rotating 3 week program. As well as Friday evening competition, Athletes from the Centre also compete at various LANSW and ANSW competitions during the season. For more information see our season calendar and other information provided on this website.

Registration for both Little Athletes and Senior Athletes is now online only. Little Athletes are also required to attend one of our official registration days held in August each year at the Clubroom at Greenway Oval #2, Shepherds Drive, Cherrybrook. This is to ensure the online paperwork has been completed correctly and to collect competition numbers. Dates are notified each season on this website and in local newspapers.

Follow us on Facebook to stay up to date on when the new season commences.

We welcome Para athletes.

Training for all athletes is available throughout the season at Greenway Oval #2. Contact our coaches to enquire about training days and times.

Centre Committee

Our Centre Committee is elected at our Annual General Meeting held in May each year. This group of dedicated people works throughout the season to ensure our Centre runs efficiently and for the benefits of our athletes.

Age Managers

There are 12 age groups in Athletics, from Ting Tots (3 to 5 years), under 6’s and through to under 17’s, with boys and girls competing separately. Each age group is controlled by two Age Managers, whose main job is to take their particular age group to each of their designated events on the Friday competition nights, and to ensure the athletes compete in an orderly fashion.  Age Managers also ensure that the athletes are organised so that they can compete in running events in heats with other athletes of similar ability. They play a very important role in the selection of athletes for the various carnivals at which The Centre competes during the course of the season, based on their knowledge of the different abilities of the athletes in their groups.  Age Managers also check the results from the previous week’s competition nights to ensure that the athletes performances have been correctly collated by our recorders.

At Cherrybrook, one key focus is providing support and feedback to our Age Managers, as they are the lifeblood of any athletics centre. Being an Age Manager can a very rewarding role. Whilst it involves a little time and effort, the Age Groups with the most committed Age Managers seem to have the most enjoyable experiences and invariably produce the most successful groups of athletes. If you are considering registering your child with our Centre, please consider also nominating to be an Age Manager. By doing so, you will be making a significant contribution to Cherrybrook Athletics, and are sure to find the role rewarding.   

Key Officials

All of the athletic disciplines require officials to run them. Two Head Officials are required for each of the field disciplines (discus, shot put, high jump, long jump / triple jump and javelin). Four Starters are required for the various track areas at the Centre, (sprint track, hurdles track, inner track and outer track). Time Keepers and recorders are also required at each of the track areas. The Centre is always on the lookout for qualified officials to help with the running of the events, and will reimburse any person who attends an Officials course during the season.

The club has invested significantly in equipment in recent years which substantially reduces the work involved for timekeepers and recorders – in particular the use of electronic finishing gates and laptops has made a big difference.

As with being an Age Manager, being a Key Official can be very rewarding and the more dedicated and experienced Officials we have at The Centre the better it will run.

Please visit Cherrybook Athletics website for more information.


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