CDSA Awards
Central Districts Softball Association Awards 
Recognise members who have made significant contributions to the life of the Association. Information has been provided according to information held by the Association.
The Lorna Van Soest Association Person of the Year Trophy
- CDSA Secretary 71-78, 79-84.
- Honorary Life Member Awarded 73/74 for services to the Association
- Winner John Watt Trophy Best Senior Clubwoman 73-74, 77-78.
- Outstanding Service to CDSA Award 2018
- Auditor for the Association until recently.
The McCann Senior Player of the Year Trophy - Donated by the McCann Family
Awarded for the senior player with the highest number of umpire votes in a single grade.
The player who polls the highest average number of “Best & Fairest” votes in a single grade.
The total number of votes for the player will be divided by the number of scheduled games for that grade to give a
vote percentage.
The Soraghan Junior Player of the Year Trophy - Donated by the Soraghan Family
Awarded for the junior player with the highest number of umpire votes.
The Denis Peacock Senior Umpire of the Year Shield
- CDSA President 88-89, 89-90, 91-92, 93-94.
- Treasurer 1982-84.
- CDSA Umpires Director 79-81, 07-10.
- Umpire at CDSA from 1978-2019.
- Best Senior Umpire 78-79, 87-88, 95-96, 11-12.
- Association Person of the Year 82-83, 88-89.
- Softball SA Meritorious Service to Softball Award 2019.
- Honorary Life Member for services to the Association 84/85 Season.
The John Eichner Junior Umpire of the Year Shield
- Umpire at CDSA from 1990s-2016.
- Honorary Life Member for services to the Association 14-15 Season.
The Malcolm McLeod Shield for the Division One Premiers
- Founder of CDSA.
- President 1968-1973
- Vice President 1974-75, 76-77.
- Grounds Officer 1978-80, 83-86.
- Deputy Umpires Director 1981-82, 83-86.
- Honorary Life Member for services to the Association 1968-69 Season.
The Steven "Butch" Sims Medal Division for the One Player of the Grand Final.
- Commitment to coaching of CDSA representative teams.
- Junior Development initiatives.
- President 2003-06
- Honorary Life Member for services to the Association 2006-07 Season
The Stephen Hunt Trophy for the Best and Fairest Player in Division One.
- President 2000-03.
- Match Director 1996-98, 99-00, 00-01, 02-03.
- Umpires Director 2004-06.
- Webmaster 1999-2003.
- CDSA Representative Coach.
- Association Person of the Year 2002-03.
- Best Senior Umpire 2004-05.
- Honorary Life Member for services to the Association 2003-04 Season.
The Linda Thornton Shield for the Division Two Premiers.
- Treasurer 1993-2001.
- Match Director 2009-14.
- Vice President 2019-24.
- Association Person of the Year 1994-95. 2019-20, 20-21, 21-22, 22-23.
- Honorary Life Member for services to the Association 1997-98 Season.
The Margaret Streatfield Medal for the Division Two Player of the Grand Final.
- Treasurer 1982-85. 89-93.
- Secretary 1984-88.
- Honorary Life Member for services to the Association.
The Marion Inkpen Trophy for the Best and Fairest Player in Division Two.
- Treasurer 1973-82.
- Publicity Officer 1981-82.
- Honorary Life Member for services to the Association.
The Claire Williams Shield for the Division Three Premiers.
The Jane Hunt Medal for the Division Three Player of the Grand Final.
- Secretary 1998-2000.
- Treasurer 2001-06.
- Association Person of the Year 2001-02. 2003-04.
- Honorary Life Member for services to the Association 2004-05.
The Jean Trenordan Trophy for the Best and Fairest Player in Division Three.
- Secretary 1967-71.
- President 1979-81.
- Records and Clearances 1975-78.
- Publicity Officer 1973-75.
- Honorary Life Member for services to the Association.
The Beth Peacock Shield for the Division Four Premiers.
- Umpires Allocations Officer 1979-86. 2000-04.
- Secretary 1990-93.
- Umpires Director 1999-2002.
- Uniforms Officer 1983-84.
- Association Person of the Year 1992-93. 1999-2000. 2001-02.
- Softball SA Meritorious Service to Softball Award 2019.
- Honorary Life Member for services to the Association 1984-85.
The Sharee Forrester Medal for the Division Four Player of the Grand Final.
- Treasurer 2009-17. 2018-24.
- Vice President 2008-09.
- President 2015-16.
- Uniforms Officer 2012-19.
- Association Person of the Year 2011-12. 2016-17.
- Honorary Life Member for services to the Association 2014-15.
The Dave Salem Trophy for the Best and Fairest Player in Division Four.
- Umpires Director 1981-82. 1989-90. 1998-99.
- Association Person of the Year 1989-90.
- Honorary Life Member for services to the Association 1981-82.
The Kym McDonagh Shield for the U16 Premiers.
- President 2007-09.
- Vice President 1998-99, 2006-07.
- Best Senior Umpire 2008-09.
- Association Person of the Year 2004-05, 2007-08, 2015-16, 2017-18.
- Honorary Life Member for services to the Association 1992-93.
The Dee McDonagh Medal for the U16 Player of the Grand Final.
- Uniforms Officer 1991-93. 2003-06, 2008-09, 2019-21.
- Association Person of the Year 2006-07, 2015-16.
- Honorary Life Member for services to the Association 2006-07.
The Betty McLeod Trophy for the Best and Fairest Player in U16.
- Honorary Life Member for services to the Association 1970-71.
The Barb O'Connor Shield for the U14(U13) Premiers.
- Association Person of the Year 1978-79, 1981-82.
- Honorary Life Member for services to the Association 1973-74.
The Pat Roberts Medal for the U14(U13) Player of the Grand Final.
- Records and Clearance Officer 1989-97, 2002-04, 2006-13, 2014-16.
- Match Director 1990-91, 1998-99, 2001-02, 2014-16.
- Umpire's Director 2010-2013.
- Honorary Life Member for services to the Association 1993-94.
The Lee Hull Trophy for the Best and Fairest Player in U14.
- President 1977-78.
- Association Person of the Year 1979-80.
- Honorary Life Member for services to the Association 1979-80.