
Reminder of some Rules before Finals & Finals Etiquette

Published Fri 08 Mar 2024

CCWP would like to remind everyone of the following especially leading into our finals rounds to avoid any sort of confusion

- Participation rule roughly half way through the first two quarters when there is no advantage to the attacking team will be enforced.
- You can not shoot off a foul at all.
- The ball must be passed to another player before shooting off a restart.
- Players must high five each other in the subbing box before entering the pool except for straight after a goal

- Can shoot outside 6m from a foul
- The ball must be passed to another player before shooting off a restart.
- Players must high five each other in the subbing box before entering the pool except for straight after a goal 

- Only one coach and one manager on the bench for each team and players listed on the card for the game.
- Only people playing in the next game can be in the water between games to warm up.
- Only those playing the current game can be in the field during quarter and half time.


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