2020 CCHA Indoor comp


Thu 15 Oct 2020 07:45 — 21:00

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

The 2020 Indoor Competition is upon us and its time to nominate your team if you wish to participate.

We have decided to split the intermediate division into 2 divisions - Intermediate A and B - to accomodate those that may have younger participants or be less competitive. The organisers reserve the right to determine which team is in which division to ensure the balance of the competition is fair.

*Intermdiate B will be the division for the younger/less competitive teams

**Junior comp is for newbies OR players up to U13yrs and is aimed at being a development comp. 

As per past seasons we will try and ensure that the resposibility to pack and up and close is spread as evenly as possible across teams. 

Entry fee will be:

Juniors* $500 per team (6 spots available)

Intermediate (A & B Division) and Opens $550 per team (18 spots available)

The comp will run from Thurs 15th October to 17th December (11 weeks)

We are also bound by the COVID Safety plan implemented by the Management of Niagara Park Stadium - non adherance to their policies will result in you (or your team) being suspended or withdrawn from the competition.





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