2018 CCHA Indoor comp


Thu 11 Oct 2018 17:00 — Thu 13 Dec 2018 20:00

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

The 2018 Indoor Competition is upon us and its time to nominate your team if you wish to participate

Entry fee will be:

Juniors* $500 per team 

Intermediate and Opens $550 per team

Comp will run from 11th October to 13th December

*Junior comp is for newbies and players up to U13yrs and is aimed at being a development comp. 


1. Organisers have the right to choose which division your team will be placed into for the proper balance of the competition.

2. The person that nominates the team will be held responsible for team payment.. Non-payment may lead to that person being made un-financial with CCHA



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