2024 CCHA Men's Masters O/40 & O/55 Teams

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Welcome to registrations for the 2024 Central Coast Hockey Association Men's Masters O/40 and O/55 teams   


Nominations are being called for players wanting to participate in the men's O/40 or O/55 teams 

State Champs are to be held at Illawarra from the 5-7 April 2024.

A nomination fee of $50 is required to secure your place in a team - this will be deducted from the overal player fee. 

Any questions please contact Mark Wilson (CCHA Men's Director), Tammy Harding (Mens Master Conveynor), or Justin Wicks (CCHA Rep Director) 

Nominations will close 24th March 2024 




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