Registrations for Little Athletes for 2024-2025 season are now closed. This is for tiny tots - U20 only.
For futher information please contact
Please note our 9's and 11's age groups are full,please do not continue with registration if your child's birthdate is 2016 or 2014.
Welcome to the Canterbury Athletics Club 2024/2025 season.
This season we have age groups from Tiny Tots to 20's and a Seniors Club (please note our Seniors club is seperate to our Friday night club)
This is a new registration system for many of our families. If you were a dual athlete last year or registered with a senior club then please click, 'Returning Member,' you will need your national id. If you have been a member of Little Athletics then you please click, 'New Member.'
If you have any difficulties with your registration please STOP and email Jenny: to gain assistance. If you have entered your child's birthdate correctly then you will be placed in the right age group.
· Our club is run purely by volunteers, to help us run smoothly each family pays a compulsory duty bond of $150. This bond is refunded at the conclusion of the season if 8 duties have been completed, per family. The duty bond fee has been incorporated into the registration fee this year. HOWEVER you only need to pay the fee once per family. This means you will need to use a discount code for any 2nd, 3rd, 4th or more children. The code is:
The code will remove $150 each time it is used, it can be used multiple times in the one transaction. Please make sure that one duty bond is showing at the checkout.
· You will receive a registration success email once your registration is complete.
The Canterbury Fees are:
- Tiny Tots: $155 ($65 Canterbury fee & $90 Athletics NSW fee) - Duty bond of $150 is also added to this fee.
- 6's to 20's: $175.00 ($85 Canterbury fee & $90 Athletics NSW fee) - Duty bond of $150 is also added to this fee. We are offering an early bird fee of $65.00 until Wednesday 14th August.
- You will be asked to upload proof of age, if you are a returning member to our club just move past this page. If you are a new member you can choose to upload the document or show your document at the registration pick up.
- There is also an administration fee on your payment, please register each child before paying to avoid extra fees.
- Please write down the code: DUTYBOND If you have more than one child. Reminder this is paid once per family. Use the code to remove the bond from your other children's fees.
- Please do not enter a false date of birth, if you choose to do this then you will not be given a refund for your registration if the correct age group is full.