Copperlode Cup - Jasper Edition

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Sun 28 Jul 2024 07:00 — 11:00
See all dates
Lake Morris Road, Cairns

Basic details

Additional information

Select registrations

5k Copper Cuppa (Members)
$20.00 ea
Login required
5k Copper Cuppa (Members 12&Under)
Login required
5k Copper Cuppa (non-members)
$30.00 ea
Waddlebla Warrior (14k) (Member)
$20.00 ea
Login required
Waddlebla Warrior (14k) (non-member)
$30.00 ea
Treefern Triumph (Members)
$20.00 ea
Login required
Treefern Triump (non-members)
$30.00 ea
New Roadrunners Singlet
$60.00 ea

Event Waiver

Cairns Road Runners Waiver

Please Note whilst all reasonable care is taken by the race organisers and officials when organising an event, all participating runners and volunteers have an equal responsibility to ensure they take all reasonable care by adhering to the road rules, minimal impact policy and any other conditions imposed by officials ensuring a safe race environment for all concerned. Please read this waiver carefully. Your ability to participate in the event is subject to your acceptance and agreement to the terms of the Participant’s Agreement below. WARNING: This is a legal document that affects you and your family's rights.

1. I acknowledge that participation in a Cairns Road Runners event involves the real risk of serious injury or even death from various causes including overexertion, equipment failure, dehydration, accidents with other participants, spectators or road users, course or weather conditions and other causes.

2. I understand that I should not participate in these events unless I have trained appropriately and a medical practitioner has verified my physical condition.

3. By participating in club activities, I accept all risks necessarily flowing from my participation, which could result in loss of life or permanent injury. Accordingly, I release all persons or corporations associated directly or indirectly with the conduct of the event from all claims, demands and proceedings arising out of my participation and I hereby indemnify them against all liability (including liability for their negligence and the negligence of others) for all injury, loss or damage arising out of or connected with my participation in these events. This release shall extend to and include Athletics North Queensland, Athletics Australia, Cairns Road Runners and their respective directors, partners, managers, officers, agents, contractors, employees and volunteers including medical and paramedical personnel appointed for the events, the owners, licensees and occupiers of land upon which the events or any part of it is conducted, any statutory body or local authority having control over any land upon which the event or any part of it is conducted or which is involved directly or indirectly with the events in any manner whatsoever and promoters, sponsors and event organisers. This release and indemnity continues forever and binds my heirs, executors, personal representatives and assigns.

4. I consent to receiving any medical treatment including ambulance transportation that the event organisers think desirable during or after the event.

5. I consent to event organisers using my name, image and likeness before, during or after the event for event promotional broadcasting or reporting purposes in any media.

6. I understand that compulsory insurance cover effected for participants in these events may not cover me for any or all injury, loss or damage sustained by me.

7. Safety precautions undertaken by organisers (such as course supervision and race safety briefings) are a service to me and other competitors but are not a guarantee of safety.

8. I am fully responsible for the security of my personal possessions at the events.

9. My race registration is not transferable to other people. If I am unable to compete, a request for refund of the registration fee must be submitted to the management committee no later than 7 days from the event - it will incur a 10% administration fee. Requests for refund submitted within 7 days of the event are not able to be accommodated. If the event is cancelled by way of circumstances beyond the control of the event organisers, my registration fee is non-refundable.

10. (Optional) I will inform the race director of my medical and/or physical conditions from which I suffer that might affect my performance or be relevant. I accept the risk of participating, despite these conditions.

11. I agree to abide by all event rules and directions issued by the event organiser.

12. Event organisers may change the event format, course or other event conditions at their discretion. If that occurs, this agreement applies to the changed conditions.

Athletics North Queensland Declaration

Cairns Road Runners are affiliated with Athletics North Queensland and has insurance coverage by virtue of this affiliation.

1. I declare that I am eligible to participate in competition according to the eligibility laws set down by the By Laws of Athletics Australia. I agree to abide by all the Rules and By Laws of Athletics North Queensland, Memorandums, Articles and By Laws of Athletics Australia and Constitution and Rules of the World Athletics as amended from time to time. (Copies of all Rules & Regulations of AA, World Athletics, etc can be sighted at the office of Athletics North Queensland upon request). I consent to undergo drug testing under the auspices of ASADA and I consent to my name and/or image being used in publications, or displayed on the website of Athletics North Queensland.

I have not travelled overseas / been exposed to a person with COVID-19 in the preceding 14 days. I agree that I do not feel unwell, and don’t have flu/cold like systems such as fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, loss of smell or taste, muscle and point pain, diarrhoea, vomiting or loss of appetite. I consent information from this form can be used by venue owners and government agencies for COVID-19 contact tracing as part of the public health response.
I agree to abide by all the Rules and By Laws of this club, Athletics North Queensland, and Athletics Australia.