2024 Bracalba Bash - Race #1 Baby Bash


Sun 16 Jun 2024 07:30 — 10:00

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.



Please read all information carefully.


DATE: Sunday 16th June, 2024

LOCATION: McConnell Rd Car Park entrance to Glasshouse Mountains Conservation trail network, Wamuran

TIME: Race specific start times from 7:00am



#1 - Bracalba Bash - Baby Bash

 Trail 1 - 5.25km

Start time: 7:30am


#2 - Bracalba Bash - Jan Brady

Trail 1 and trail 2 - 14.07km

Start time: 7:15am


#3 - Bracalba Bash - Big Bash

Trail 1, Trail 2, and Trail 3 -  25.86km

Start time: 7:00am



·      No Marshals on course. You must follow the existing signs which start near the mango trees.

·      You will be allocated a race number. That stays with the starter.

·      On course you will find buckets with books inside.

o    You must stop and remove the page relating to your race number from this book and take it with you.

o   These pages are to verify that you have completed the course correctly.

·      Upon finishing each trail, you are required to report to the run director with your race number and the pages from the books.

·       The run director will check to ensure you have the required pages before you can re-enter the course for your next trail.

·      Baby Bash entrants will still need to report to run director with their race number and pages from the books to have their finish recorded.

·      Times are recorded by the run director once your finish has been verified.

·      Positions are as per through the gate:

o    If someone goes through the gate before you, you cannot go to the run director before them.

Ø  NOTE: This is at run directors' discretion. (If someone is too slow, he may let you pass them).

o   Big Bash participants take precedent over all other runners when meeting with the run director.

Ø  For example: If a Big Bash participant comes through the gate after a participant from another race, he/she can go past all of those racers to the run director first.

·      All entrants to carry a mobile phone and have the run directors phone number in it - 0418 157 978.

·      If an entrant gets lost or injured on the track, call the run director for assistance.

·      Should you find the bucket, and the book is gone, or your page is gone, you will need to prove by way of GPS or a witness that you were at the location of the bucket.

·      It is recommended that you carry a snake bandage with you and note that all race participants are entering the trail network at their own risk.

·      This is strictly a Caboolture Road Runner Members only event. If you have any family or friends interested in participating, they will be required to register as a financial member of CRR to take part.  


Please allow enough time to check in before you start. 

See you out there.


Thank you

Phill Driver

Race Director