Byron Bay Runners
Club Membership Options for 2024-2025
- All base memberships run 1 Aug 2024 - 31 July 2025 in line with Athletics NSW registration program.
- Base membership includes payment to Athletics NSW for Community Athlete registration, providing you with personal liability insurance (see Athletics NSW website for further details on Community Athlete registration benefits).
- All sessions are run by an Athletics Australia accredited club coach; youth (junior and senior squad) coaches also have Working With Children Clearance.
Once you have purchased BASE MEMBERSHIP, dependent upon which weekly training runs you'd like to attend, you may need to purchase additional TRAINING SESSIONS. These are calcuated at a pro-rata rate, from the date of purchase to the end of the season (31 July 2025).
ADULT TRACK: This is for runners aged 18yrs+ who wish to have access to: Tuesdays coached session, 6.30am, track access Tuesdays and Thursdays 6-7.30pm and Saturday afternoon from 2pm. To pay for these training sessions, please copy/paste this link, to complete AFTER you have paid for base membership
If you want to attend Monday 6am hill session, Thursdays 6pm trail run and/or Sundays 7am social run - there is NO TRAINING FEE/CHARGE for this (you just need to have base membership/insurance) to attend.
JUNIOR TRACK: This is for runners aged 8yrs-17yrs. This provides access to junior/senior squad training sessions - distance and sprint squads train on Tuesdays and Thursdays afternoons, for runners aged 10yrs+ the coached hills session on Mondays 6am, and for runners aged 15yrs+ access to Thursday trail and Sunday social run (by prior arrangement with the coach). To pay for these training sessions, please copy/paste this link, to complete AFTER you have paid for base membership:
If you wish to take out Athletics NSW competitive registration or would like to request dual registration (you are already a member of another ANSW or LANSW club) please email for further information.