Wearing the Bunbury Swimming Club uniform is an important part of being a squad team member. It is a great way to identify BSC swimmers and helps build a sense of club identity and unity. It connects you to the team and enables us to support each other and should always be worn with pride.
Swimmers must wear the BSC cap and polo at all swimming meets and when representing our Club at functions (e.g. fundraising events). We also encourage parents to wear the uniform to swim meets in support of the club and swimmers.
Swimmers are welcome to get their name embroidered on the uniform however no other badges may be sewn onto any uniform.
Club uniform orders are usually placed before both the Long Course (Summer) and Short Course (Winter) seasons. We do have limited uniforms in stock, and orders may be placed outside the seasonal orders, however as there are minimum order requirements for some items, the orders will only be placed once those requirements are fulfilled.
To look your best on the pool deck, please navigate to the shop andselect from the items in stock, make a payment to the BSC account and the uniform officer will be in touch to deliver your items. If you would, like to express interest in an item that is out of stock, please email your preferred style and size to admin@bunburyswimming.club.com.
Don't have a Revolutionise account as yet? Please contact the uniform officer: admin@bunburyswimming.club.com