
Step 1/6: Let's get started
Step 1/6: Let's get started

Membership Fees - 2023/24 Season


Membership Type * Fee (incl. GST)
Senior $185
Senior - Over 65 Concession  $130
Senior - Student Concession $130
Cadet (up to 18 years) $85
Family $315
Associate (non voting) $70

* Fee includes membership with Australian Sailing

Sailing Fees Sabot   Laser/125 Skiff
Race Nomination - Season $150 $225 $300
Race Nomination - Weekly $10 $15 $20
Boat Storage at Club $185 $260 $315
Club Boat Hire (includes race nomination fee)   $40 - Laser  



If you have been a member of our club (or any club) across Australia in the past few years, your details (including Australian Sailing Number) should be in our system. If you don't know your Australian Sailing Number, you can look it up here: AS Number Finder


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