2024 BWHA - U16 Representative Team Coach Agreement


Tue 20 Feb 2024 00:00 — Thu 01 Aug 2024 23:00

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Basic details

Terms Of Registration



BRISBANE WOMEN’S HOCKEY ASSOCIATION and  Coach signing agreement (Name of coach)

THE COACH named in the Schedule (“Coach”)


The Coach has been selected by Brisbane Women’s Hockey Assoc (BWHA) to coach the team described in the Schedule which will participate in the Event described in the Schedule between the dates described in the Schedule.

IT IS AGREED as follows:


        On and from the Commencement Date the Coach will:

    1. Prepare all training and coaching programmes for the Team;
    2. Be responsible to supervise each coaching session for the Team or delegate such areas of the coaching, training and fitness programmes to appropriate BWHA or team officials;
    3. At all times comply with all competition and match rules, BWHA guidelines, procedures and policies, BWHA  codes of conduct and lawful directions and instructions given to him/her by officers of BWHA and the manager of the Team (“The Team Manager”). Please refer to the BWHA website for all Policy Documents.
    4. Not act in any way that may bring the game of hockey, the Team or BWHA into disrepute;
    5. Not without the prior consent of BWHA directly or indirectly coach another Association team;
    6. Duly and promptly report to BWHA all material matters and things coming to the knowledge of the Coach concerning the Team;
    7. During any match or competition dates, attend at the Team venues and provide coaching game support and guidance to the Team members. The Coach mush also accompany the Team on any competition events not at the Team home ground including inter Regional and Interstate events. Accompanying the Team includes travel to and from the event and staying with the Team at the Team accommodation (unless otherwise agreed by BWHA);
    8. Ensure the Team members conduct is appropriate at all times;
    9. Recommend appropriate disciplinary measures to BWHA for any Team member that is not complying with   BWHA requirements for guidelines;
    10. Only write or comment for the press, radio or television on the Teams prospects or performance, or grant interviews to the media with prior written approval of BWHA. If approval is provided, the Coach must, if speaking on behalf of the Team or BWHA, accurately reflect the views of BWHA and if required by BWHA read out or forward to the media a statement prepared by BWHA;
    11. Attend regular meetings with BWHA at a time and place convenient to both parties to report on the progress of the Team and provide such other information relating to the Team and BWHA may require;
    12. By acknowledging this agreement the Coach acknowledges that BWHA has made available on its website all policies, guidelines, list of sponsors, codes of behaviour and other such documents that are applicable to adhering and complying with this agreement.


        The Coach acknowledges that BWHA may have entered into agreements for sponsorship. The Coach agrees:

  1. To assist and cooperate with the reasonable requirements of BWHA and its sponsors so that promotional benefits are maximised;
  2. To be available when reasonably required to appear in or participate in, advertising, promotion and marketing;
  3. Neither to appear nor participate in any advertising, promotions or marketing for companies or individuals which are in direct competition with a BWHA sponsor unless such appearance or participation has received the prior written approval of BWHA.

  1. MEDIA

        The Coach agrees to be filmed, televised or photographed or otherwise recorded during any hockey competition or match as is authorised by BWHA.


        During the Term and at any time after the termination of this Agreement the Coach shall not disclose to any other person, firm or corporation without the previous consent in writing of BWHA, any confidential information of any type (including BWHA’s intellectual property) relating to BWHA or any trade secrets including methods of training or confidential information relating to Team members of which he/she shall become possessed during the Term, nor shall he/she use or attempt to use any such confidential information in a manner which may cause or be calculated to cause injury or loss to the Team, other individual members of the Team or BWHA.

  1. The Coach will treat all information received by him/her from the Team doctor/physiotherapist relating to the personal health records of a Team member as confidential and will only use that information as may be required to ascertain the fitness of a player to compete in and be a member of the Team. The Coach will be only entitled to divulge the information to the Team Manager or BWHA.


  If the Coach:

  1. Neglects, breaches or fails to perform his/her duties pursuant to this Agreement including not adhering to BWHA policies and guidelines;
  2. Commits any criminal offence involving dishonesty or whereby the Coach is imprisoned for any period; or
  3. Is guilty of misconduct which in the reasonable opinion of BWHA may injure or tend to injure the reputation of the Team, the game of hockey and or BWHA or bring the game of hockey into disrepute; or
  4. Has supplied, condoned or recommended the using of performance enhancing drugs or stimulants to a Team member;


Then BWHA may:

  1. Terminate this agreement on 24 hours notice to the Coach; and/or
  2. Impose such penalty as BWHA deems appropriate in the circumstances.


  1. If the Coach is hindered by a reason or circumstances from fully participating as the coach of the Team then BWHA may take the appropriate action in the circumstances following consultation with the Coach, including termination of this Agreement.


  1. If the Coach dies or becomes permanently physically or mentally incapable of performing the function of the Coach of the Team then this Agreement shall be automatically terminated.


  1. The Coach undertakes that after the termination of  this Agreement for whatever reason he/she will not induce or attempt to induce any of the other members of the Team or the Team Manager or officials to terminate their agreements or contracts of BWHA.



The Coach acknowledges and agrees that BWHA will not be liable under any circumstances for:

  1. any loss, damage, injury, illness or other mishap suffered directly or indirectly by the Coach connected in any way with:
  1. playing hockey, travelling to matches, training, carrying out coaching duties or in any other circumstance;
  2. negligence of BWHA, the Team Administration.
  1. loss or damage to the property of the Coach.



The Coach agrees to reimburse BWHA on demand for any expenses incurred by BWHA on behalf of the Coach.



The Coach indemnifies BWHA and agrees to keep BWHA indemnified from and against all actions, claims, demands, losses, costs and expenses incurred or suffered by BWHA in connection with or arising from any action, illness, injury, mishap of the Coach.


    1. In the event that the Coach is in breach of this Agreement then BWHA or the Team Administration may take disciplinary action
    2.  Disciplinary action may include:
  1. Dismissal from the Representative Team;
  2. Suspension from the Representative Team;
  3. Exclusion from participating in future Representative Teams;
  4. Any other action which the Team Administration or BWHA considers reasonable;
  5. Payment of any costs, damages incurred as a result of the breach.


    1. The Coach acknowledges that BWHA is not responsible for payment of any medical expenses incurred by the Coach.
    2. The Coach acknowledges that BWHA has no liability in relation to any injury sustained by the Coach while performing his/her obligations under this Agreement, except in regard to any rights that may arise under the Trade Practises Act 1974.
    3. The Coach agrees to indemnify BWHA and to keep BWHA indemnified in respect of all actions, claims, demands, losses and expenses incurred or suffered by BWHA arising from an action, injury or illness suffered or incurred by the Coach.
    4. The Coach acknowledges and accepts the inherent risks of injury associated with hockey and agrees to assume such a risk.



The term of this Agreement (“The Term”) shall commence from the date the Coach is included in the team and shall expire thirty (30) days from when the Event below concludes.



This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Queensland, Australia and the parties irrevocably submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of that State.





Representative Teams & Age Group

Brisbane U16 Teams

Tournament 1

Southern Cross


Ipswich Hockey


Sunday 11th August

Tournament 2

U16 State Championships


Sunshine Coast Hockey Association


19 Sept - 22nd Sept