2024 BWHA Representative Umpire Agreement/Acceptance


Mon 12 Feb 2024 00:00 — Thu 26 Sep 2024 19:30

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Basic details

Additional information

Terms Of Registration



Document Control


Approved By

Approval Date


Management committee


Original Policy


Management Committee


Checked by Management & re-formatted


Management Committee


Checked & updated


Board of Management


Checked & updated


Board of Management


Checked & updated


Board of Management


Checked & updated


BWHA Board of Management


Provide guidelines and procedures for all appointed BWHA Representative Umpires.


For all members selected as an umpire for a BWHA Representative Team.





Brisbane Women’s Hockey Association Inc


Technical Director


Technical Bench


Umpire & Technical Committee

Policy Statement

Brisbane Women’s Hockey Association Inc commits to providing opportunities for all interested officials to represent BWHA at Regional and State Championships. BWHA understands its unique place in this area and its responsibility to ensure a nurturing environment for all members. We will comply with all relevant legislation and regulations, and strive to achieve best practice in all areas and to provide equitable opportunities for all. The representative team umpires policy will be available on our Web Site and staff and members will be encouraged to contribute any ideas or suggestions to improve our policy at any time.


We have appointed the Umpires and Technical Committee as the Representative Umpire Policy Coordinator, who has responsibility for ensuring ongoing implementation of and compliance with our policy. This policy will be reviewed each year.

Related Procedures

See attached



1.    BWHA Selection Process:

1.1    Nominations are to be submitted on the nomination form and by the due date.

1.2    A list of nominations for each tournament will be collated by the BWHA Office and sent to following for appointment:

         U12; U14; U16 to the Junior Committee

         U18; Masters to the Umpire and Technical Committee

    1. The appointed umpires are to be advised to the BWHA Office so newsletters and information can be forwarded to them.
    2. In the event that insufficient or incorrectly qualified nominations are received for any tournament, the Junior Committee and the UTC will source additional nominations
    3. Where insufficient nominations have been found prior to a Southern Cross tournament the Junior Committee (U12, U14, U16) or the UTC (U18, Masters) will make direct contact with suitable umpires to fill the BWHA requirements.
    4. Nominees are to be selected based on their ability to gain the next level of badging or development.

2.    BWHA Expectations:

2.1    The umpire’s first responsibility is to the BWHA Rep Team.

2.2    The umpire is expected to conduct themselves inline with the BWHA code of conduct, and at all times uphold the good name of the Association. 

2.3    Should an umpire act in a derogatory manner whilst a member of a representative team, a report shall be submitted by the Team Manager to BWHA, and the umpire will be required to attend a BWHA judiciary hearing.

2.4    The umpire is expected to participate in the true spirit of sportsmanship.

2.5    Umpires under the age of 18 are under no circumstances allowed any alcohol, smoking of tobacco or vaping and must comply with the Team Manager's curfew time.

2.6    Umpires over the age of 18 are expected to adhere to curfew times and monitor their intake of alcohol, smoking and vaping.

2.7    BWHA has adopted and supports the Hockey Queensland Anti-Doping Policy.

2.8    The use of recreational drugs or use of prohibited methods pursuant to Anti-Doping laws for ingestion of legal substances is not allowed under any circumstances.

2.9    All umpires are responsible for their own personal needs (washing of uniforms, etc), whilst on tour.

3.         HQ Expectations:

3.1    Approach the assessment process with a positive attitude

3.2    Know your current badge level

3.3    Ask questions of the assessors and make notes of the feedback provided. Use the feedback provided to develop your performance as an umpire.

3.4    Be prepared and enthusiastic for each allocation

4.    The Umpire shall:                                                                                   

4.1    Be available for all training sessions, trials and Southern Cross.  Team Managers will contact you with details of when and where you will be required for training sessions.

4.2    Wear the designated uniform for travelling and transfers, as directed by the Team Manager. 

4.3    Liaise with the Team Manager to ensure you have transport to and from the venue.

4.4    Wear the designated uniform for games, as directed by the HQ Rules, including black skirt, knee length black socks, yellow (or designated) HQ umpiring shirt. 

4.5    Once advised of assembly details, adhere to the directions of the Team Manager and/or the association.

4.6    Be accommodated and travel with the contingent as advised.  Application to travel separately from the team must accompany the nomination form and to be approved by BWHA Management as per the Rules.

4.7    Accept the authority of the Team Manager whilst on tour.

4.8    Be in attendance at all official meetings and functions as directed by the Team Manager.

4.9    Direct any grievances to the Team Manager.

4.10  Complete the Umpire Agreement, Indemnity Form and Uniform Order Form for return to the Team Manager or the BWHA Office by the due date.

4.11  Should an injury occur prior to any event, undertake a fitness test at least fourteen (14) days prior to departure or last training session.  Notify the Team Manager and refer to the policy for Fitness Testing for injured/sick players/umpires. Advise BWHA immediately in writing accompanied by a medical certificate.

5.    Prior to the Championship

5.1    Obtain a copy of the current Rule Book (download the FIH App from http://www.fihockey.org)

5.3    Read both of the above

5.4    Buy a Fox 40 or Fox 40 mini whistle (pea-less) and a spare (Fox 40’s are available at Just Hockey at SHC and at Downey Park)

5.5    Obtain a set of warning cards – green / yellow / red

5.6    Watch more experienced umpires to see their positioning / interpretations etc.

5.7    Try to do as much umpiring as possible to develop your knowledge and confidence

6.    At the Championship

6.1    Attend the pre-tournament meeting, noting any information or interpretations

6.2    Check regularly the draw with umpire and technical allocations, you may be required to be a reserve umpire.

6.3    Understand what is required of you as a reserve umpire:

  • you will sometimes have to be the technical official ie fill out the match report sheet(s) / ensure substitutions are done correctly (including on penalty corners) etc
  • you also need to watch the match so that, if you are required, you can step in and takeover from another umpire

6.4    Note all your allocations and arrive prepared and ready to each game at least 15 minutes prior to commencement of the game.

6.5    Warm-up and down, keep nourished and hydrated during the tournament

6.6    Re-read the Rules Book and AHL Briefing

6.7    Clarify feedback received etc. and ask questions (if necessary) of the assessors

6.8    Watch more experienced umpires to see their signally, positioning, interpretations etc.

6.9    Approach the assessment process as an opportunity to get feedback from International and Australian umpires and to develop your umpiring skills, this is invaluable in your development

6.10  Enjoy yourself!!

7.    Transport at Venue                                                                                            

Hire Car or Mini-Bus

Representative Umpires may be required to:

  • If over 25 years, to drive a hire vehicle
  • Sign for a hire vehicle
  • Provide their Credit Card as a security for the hire vehicle
  • Organise transport to and from the field each day

BWHA undertakes to compensate any Umpire who is charged for any costs of a BWHA organised hire vehicle on their credit card.

Will ensure all people travelling in vehicles are in a seat belt at all times.

Make sure hire vehicles are acceptable and liaise daily with team so all players and umpires can get to and from fields. This may mean multiple trips.

Check that the required personnel are in the vehicle before it departs.