Briars AGM 2017


Tue 12 Dec 2017 19:00 — 20:30

Event information

This event has passed.

The club's 2017 AGM will be held at 7pm on Tuesday 12th December at Cintra.

Our AGMs are usually short, but very important because it's when we elect the people who will run the club.

We hope our more experienced players will want to put something back into the club and take on a role. It is a great way to learn a number of skills, and have some fun.

Everyone is encouraged to stay around after the meeting and have a few drinks afterwards.

Club Committee positions available:


- President

- Club Captains

- Treasurer

- Secretary

- Men's VP

- Women's VP

- Junior VP

General Committee:

- Umpiring Convenor

- Social Convenor

- Equipment Convenor

- Records Convenor

- Sponsorship / Fundraising Convenor

- Communications Officer / Webmaster

- Social Media Manager

- Centenary Celebrations Convenor

Please contact any of your friendly Exec Committee if you are interested helping out or taking up any of these positions or if you want some more information on what each role involves. The intention is to try and have more people doing smaller roles to assist with spreading the load across our very large club and stopping volunteer burn-out.

All nominations to be emailed to

See you there!


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