
Step 1/6: Let's get started
Step 1/6: Let's get started

To participate in programs and activities that we run at Doug Dean Stadium, you must be a registered member for the current year.

BRDL membership is $10 annually, and is included in the fees listed below. 

Membership/Skate Australia Insurance categories are:

  1. 2024 BRDL+Skate Aus (PARTICIPATION PROGRAM) $55
    • For Roller Skate Fit Club /  Mini Rollers / Skate High programs.
  2. 2024 BRDL+Skate Aus (DERBY DEVELOPMENT) $105
    • For members that participate in derby training ONLY with their own club.
  3. 2024 BRDL+Skate Aus (DERBY COMPETITIVE) $130
    • For members that will participate in intra-club training, scrimmages & competitions.
  4. 2024 BRDL+Skate Aus (ASSOCIATE / NON-SKATING) $48
    • Members that participate OFF skates as NSO, Officials, and/or Committee Members only
  5. 2024 BRDL+Skate Aus (VOLUNTEER REF / ON-SKATES COACH) $110
    • Members that support BRDL as referees or coaching on-skates - inlcudes free competitive insurance!!

If you participate as a Coach/Referee ONLY, speak to Treasurer for a $100 reimbursement of this insurance type.

If unsure which category might apply to you, please 'Contact Us'.


  1. Program fees (Fitskate, etc) and monthly derby fees can only be invoiced after registration/renewal is complete.
  2. Bank transfer payments are not processed automatically, and may take a day or so to be actioned by our Treasurer - an email reciept will be generated once confirmed.