Schedule of Fees

CATEGORY  FEE (2024/25 FY) (incl GST)
Adult senior competitive membership  $735 ( incl RACT Affiliation Fee) 
Adult senior recreational membership $645
Junior (under 18) membership  $645 ( incl RACT Affiliation Fee) 
RACT adult competition fee (annual) $90
RACT junior competition fee (annual) Paid by Club 

Orana Juniors

Contact Treasurer
Associate membership (eg non-rowing coaches) On application
Non-rowing coxswain $45
Guest row (where authorised by Boat Captain) $20 per session
Temporary membership (where authorised by Committee) $60 per month
Life Membership (not active) $0
Life Membership (Senior Competitive) $120
Life Membership (Recreational) $30
ACTAS rowers $120
Private Boat Insurance Contact Treasurer
Private Boat Storage (where authorised by Committee)  
Single $300
Double/Pair $400
Quad/Four $550
Eight On application

Trolley rack (single)

Non-rowing craft $150 premium in addition to above fees
  Note: Discounts of $75 to Pensioners and FT students  on annual presentation to Treasurer of proof of eligibilty .