

Bluebirds was founded in 1985 by a group of families that wanted a different softball experience within the Knox & District Softball Association (Knox).

We have gone through a number of ups and downs over the past 30 years, but as result of the commitment of a core group of volunteers over the past 10 years we are now stronger than ever.  Over the past 5 years we have grown from being the smallest club at Knox to the largest. We have been able to achieve this by taking a Club First approach.


We ask all of our players and officials to remember that when they are representing Bluebirds the name on the front of their top is more important than the name on the back.

We ask our players and parents to respect and accept the Club's decisions on selection, and the coaches' decisions on positions and strategy.  Those decisions are made not only for the benefit of the Club and team as a whole, but also for the benefits of our players. 

Taking this approach allows all of our players and officials to develop to the best of their abilities. A lot of other clubs focus too heavily on the development of perceived "elite" players, often to the detriment of other players at their Club.  We believe that every player or official has a role to play.  We also believe that everyone, whether they are playing for Victoria or Australia, or at a beginner level can learn from one another.


Bluebirds cannot function without strong leadership both on and off the diamond.  We believe that our leaders should develop from within the Club. 

All of the leaders at Bluebirds that are looked up to were once beginners in the sport.  We find that our best players do not necessarily make the best leaders, and that there are a number of different ways in which leadership can be shown. Developing leadership skills in our members develops their self ­confidence, which improves not only their playing, but also their opportunities in life.


Development of our players and officials is about more than the development of their on-diamond skills.  We encourage our players to become involved in the Club in other capacities.  We want our future leaders to develop from within the Club.

We also encourage the parents and families of our players to become involved in the Club in a volunteer capacity.  This can range from helping with fundraising activities, to coaching, umpiring or undertaking an administrative role as a Committee member.

The reality is that any organisation such as ours has many facets.  There are off diamond skills that can be developed by our members from a junior level upwards, that can usually be used in life outside of softball.


We are proud to be a family focused Club.  In addition to our softball programs we conduct a number of social events throughout the year and encourage our players and volunteers, their families and friends to get involved.  We provide social membership that allows our non­playing members to join and take advantage of the benefits of being a member.  We also encourage our players and families to become involved in a volunteer capacity.



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