Frequently Asked Questions?

Will there be any equipment for me to use or do I need to bring my own?

There is no need to bring your own equipment. Each team is provided with a kit which will include balls, helmets, bats and catches gear and all players will have access to it. Of course, you are more then welcome to bring your own equipment, but it isn’t necessary.

Are all games always played at the same time and venue each week?

Yes, all games will be played at the same time each week and at either international peace park Seven Hills (IPP) or Stanhope Gardens reserve (SG). Depending on which grade you play in will depend which diamonds you’ll play at, but it will always be the same grounds unless weather conditions cause a change of location.  

Will I or my child have training?

Yes, training is usually held one night a week. But each team is different so once you have registered your coach will be in touch to provide more information regarding training.

What if it is raining or if it’s too hot?

In the event of adverse weather conditions, either from the heat or rain your coach or a committee member will be in touch to keep you informed. If it is raining do not assume softball will be cancelled. Please wait for a text from your coach.

Will there be duties I need to do throughout the season?

Yes. Duties are an important part of game day, and all members are expected to fulfill any given duties. Umpiring duties are allocated to each team, and it is up to you to organise a swap with someone if you are unavailable on the date of your duty. Fines are given to clubs from CNSA if a duty is not cover, this fine will be passed onto the member who was responsible for covering the duty.

For umpiring duties you need to be over 14 and enclosed shoes must be worn. You’ll need to arrive at least 20 minutes before the game start time.


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