

Softball is open for all ages starting from 3 years. Blast-Ball, Benny Ball, Tee- ball, Juniors, sub -Juniors, Seniors, Men's & Mixed competitions, any ability. There is many grades to play in, so come join in the fun.

Training: 170 Reservoir Rd Arndell Park

Season runs from October - March

Competition Venues:

- Stanhope Gardens (SG) - 50 Stanhope Parkway Stanhope Gardens

- Internation Peace Park (IPP) - Jean St Seven Hills (Drive way next to number 58 Jean St)

Competition Days:

- Wednesday Nights - Womens Over 35's Competition @SG

- Friday Nights - Men's Competiton @SG

- Saturday - Blast-Ball, Benny Ball, Tee - Ball, Juni0r, Sub Junior @IPP

              Ladies & Mixed competition @IPP & @SG

Games run at the same time and same Venue each week.



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