
Berrinba Runners News Edition 2

Published Mon 15 Aug 2022

Welcome to the Second Edition of the Berrinba Runners News.

We appreciate and value your support of our local club. We also value those who continue to support us, even when you can't make it to training as often as you used too. We are always looking at ways to improve. If you are not yet a member, what are you waiting for, register today via this link

Membership with Berrinba Runners is one of the most affordable memberships you will find at just $35.00 for adults and $12.00 for juniors. You can be sure our team will always do our best to ensure you get value for your money.

Welcome to our Newest Berrinba Runners Team Members!

Welcome aboard our newest members Davin Ryan, Jono and Isaac Hines, Sarah, David and Isabella Heath, Jim Chalmers, Yasmin Atwani, Alexis Broadhurst and Mark Van Den Belt. Welcome and we hope you have a great experience training with Berrinba Runners.

Our Partnership with Logan Tri Club!

Did you know we have recently partnered with the Logan Tri Club? Logan Tri Club President approached us recently to see how his club could gain access to our great run coaching. There are not many local clubs that offer some form of training every day of the week so the Logan Tri Club are keen to jump on board our training and will now be asking its members to sign up to Berrinba Runners for run training. Watch out for Tri Club members as they come on board and start training with us.

What we currently offer our Members?

Thank you again to Adam Shannon and all our amazing coaches. We are proud to offer our members something for everyone on nearly every day of the week. Keep an eye on our website as we continue to grow, we will continue to build more sessions for our member base. Members can book into training sessions here...




Training / Description


4:00 PM

Peta Smith

Casual Walk


5:00 PM

Peta Smith

Strength & Mobility


4:45 PM

Ali Read

Coaching / Group Training


5:00 AM

Adam Shannon

Coaching / Group Training


4:45 PM

Rick Thomson

Coaching / Group Training


5:00 AM

Brendan Watt

Coaching / Group Training




Adhoc trail / hikes


6-6:30 am

Running Event

Running Event

Coaches tip brought to you by 'Coach 'Ali'

When coming back from injury or illness, lower your expectations of yourself. It will take time to get back to where you were. Be patient. Be kind to yourself. It will come.

What's been happening?

What an amazing few months it has been since our last newsletter. With so many great events on the calendar to participate in, the Berrinba Runners were out in force at across the south east. Here is a recap of a few of the bigger events.

Brisbane Marathon Festival - June.

A bit of a shaky start to the Brisbane Marathon Festival with a bit of a traffic jam on the inbound journey for some. Some of our team (including the supporter crew car) were caught amongst the traffic and sadly missed the marathon and half marathon starts. But a big congratulations to those that did participate. I would really like to call out a massive effort by Julie Hines. Julie had trained so well for her half marathon but sadly was one of the unlucky ones caught in the car park (formerly known as Elizabeth Street). Julie's warm up was in the rush from the car to the start line but was just a bit too late to make the half marathon start. Julie, like the trooper she is, managed to bounce back and bring home a 10k personal best by over 2 minutes. Congratulations Julie, you did amazing to regroup and run so well under the challenging circumstances.

I also want to call out a couple of the juniors who also did amazing in their respective events. Both Archie and Tex Hamilton finishing in the top 10 in the junior dash with Archie managing 3rd place. And also, a shout out to young Caitlin Jansons, who placed 1st the under 14 category in the 10k. Well done kids, you are amazing.

In wrapping up about the Brisbane Marathon Festival, a big congratulations must go to the entire team, including the supporter crew (both on and off course). There were lots of personal bests run on the day, and while I recognise it is the individuals hard work that goes into the training, having a supporter crew makes it so much better.

I can speak from my own experience when I pass by a green shirt or cap on course and get a shout out or high five, it is the best feeling. Rounding the bend into the finish line was also a fantastic feeling to see so many team green cheering really does make me proud to be part of such a great team.


Gold Coast Marathon - July.

What a great event, if you missed it, here is a link to the local news that covered the Berrinba Runners Team. While yes the article may have gotten a few of the times wrong, it is still a great read. Call out this time to coach Adam Shannon, who achieved his elusive goal he has been chasing since the dawn of time. With a finish time of 3:18:42 Adam was moving along quickly for his marathon. Congratulations Adam. Adam was accompanied by Liam Wilson for his 42.2km, Liam will be a bit hard on himself, but he achieved an amazing time of 3:21:18, congratulations to you too Liam you are an amazing athlete and after all your hard work, deserved a great run. Congratulations also to all the team who were out in force, 25 of you participated in events across the entire weekend with some speedy times on Saturday as well. An incredibly spectacular and emotional event, there is certainly truth in the saying 'if you are losing faith in human nature, go out and watch a marathon'.

Supporter crew, you guys are amazing, you really do the team proud, with many you staying until the last runner is home. Thank you to Alison Read, Peta Smith & Jenny King who while having to give up their marathons due to injury, along with Jodi Pinkney, still made the trip and spent their weekend supporting the green team. I know I speak on behalf of all the team when I say THANK YOU TO THE ENTIRE SUPPORT CREW!



Jetty to Jetty - July.

While making the news seems to be coming quite a bit of a habit for the Berrinba Runners, being promoted to the 6 o'clock news was a bit of a step up this time. Not quite the headlines and no Berrinba Runners committed any form of crime (that I am aware of), but 7 news managed to catch a glimpse of local legends 'Liam Wilson' & 'Daryl Sehl' enjoying their half marathons along the waterfront at Redcliffe

Jetty to Jetty is also one of the 'must do' events on the calendar and surrounded by the supporter crew, who couldn't have had a great time? Yes this may go down in history as being a 'Covid19 super spreader' event, but again some fantastic outcomes for all our team on the day before you all succumbed to your illnesses. Well done everyone.



Up and coming events!

Calling all Potential Sponsors!

Berrinba Runners is a community based club, providing affordable local training for our members. We were very grateful this year to be the recipient of one of the Australia Post Community Grants of $1000.00. Some of this year’s grant will be put to use to provide our members with structured training plans for events. If you are a business looking to support a community club, why not become one of our awesome sponsors. To find out more get in touch with our club President Kris Humphrys if you can catch him at training, if not drop him an email at

Member Spotlight - Chris Wilson.

This edition we turn the member spotlight on Chris Wilson. Chris started training with Berrinba Runners January of this year.  Chris had previously met Coach Ali while on a trail through Mount Cootha while training for Blackall last year.  After moving to the area, training with the Berrinba Runners just made sense, Chris said.  Chris had also seen the 'green team' when she was at events so she knew how supportive the team was to its members.  When I asked Chris why she started running, it was to 'avoid middle age spread' (I'm hearing that) and it is good for her health.  Chris also said she runs to improve her overall fitness and health.  Chris's next goal is the Hobart Marathon in 6 weeks time.  This will be Chris's 3rd full marathon and has a goal to better her previous two marathon times.  I had asked Chris to tell us what her favourite training session was... and she has said hills and she is 'a bit crazy like that'.  Let's hope none of the coaches read that or we might be on hills at coaching very soon.  Thank you Chris for allowing us to turn the spotlight on you.  You have been such a great edition to the team and we love having you train with us.  We wish you well on your next adventure at the Hobart Marathon.  While we may not be there in person, we will be with you in spirit when you take this on.

Got an idea?

If you have anything you'd like to share with us, for our next newsletter, or any ideas to help us improve our club, or an achievement you'd like to share, we'd love to hear from you. Drop us a message via this link or follow us instagram or facebook and make sure you tag us in your posts so we can share your photos and adventures.

Until next time, happy walking / running from all the Berrinba Runners team!