
Berrinba Runners Code of Conduct

Published Fri 16 Jun 2023


Berrinba Runners Code of Conduct.

The Berrinba Runners Inc Code of Conduct outlines the standards of behaviour expected of all Members, Participants, and parents / guardians of children.  This code of conduct is applicable to Berrinba Runners Inc and the Berrinba Runners Facebook Group. It is the responsibility of all Members and Participants to observe their commitment to this Code.  Failure to observe any part of the Code may be considered misconduct and result in disciplinary action up to including cancellation of membership from the club and/or removal from the Facebook Group.  Members (Social and Financial), representatives, parents / guardians of children must…

  • Behave kindly, sensibly and with consideration for others.
  • Follow any reasonable instruction or direction of coaches and run leaders.
  • Not behave aggressively, either verbally or physically to anyone.
  • Not allow or take part in any sexual or racial harassment (intimidation or bullying).
  • Be aware of surroundings and children and use appropriate language and gestures.
  • Recognize comments made on our social media pages – Facebook, Twitter and/or website should not be abusive, offensive or derogatory and if they are, the Committee reserve the right to delete these types of postings and/or exclude the author.
  • If appropriate, challenge inappropriate behaviour and language by other members.
  • Know the Club recognises that many runners make use of social media in a personal capacity. While they are not acting on behalf of Berrinba Runners, members must be aware that they could risk damaging our reputation if these are not appropriate.
  • Never engage in any inappropriate or illegal behaviour.
  • Recognise the importance of team spirit congratulate and support fellow athletes.
  • Avoid destructive behaviour and leave venues as you find them.
  • Not carry or consume alcohol to excess at any of our events and/or illegal substances.
  • Make sure that you have an ICE Tag detailing your emergency contacts and any medical conditions e.g. diabetes or epilepsy.
  • Make sure you warm up before and cool down after sessions, run coaches and leaders will encourage this but it is a personal responsibility of all to ensure they are prepared for sessions.
  • Take equal responsibility for ensuring that no runners are left behind at the back of the group and the faster runners should loop to the back of the group when requested by the run leader.
  • Follow the road rules while training and not take unnecessary risks with traffic.
  • Inform your run leader if you have any injuries prior to starting. If you pick up an injury during a training session and need to head home during a run, make sure that you inform your coach or run leader.
  • Ensure juniors are accompanied by a parent. If the parent is not participating, then make it known to the run leader the person who is taking responsibility for the junior.
  • Where possible wear a Berrinba Runners singlet or Berrinba Runners merchandise competition purposes.
  • Ensure at events, we follow the rules and regulations set down by the race organisers (including transfers and deferrals) are followed.
  • Ensure if anything makes you concerned or uncomfortable or if you think a fellow athlete has suffered from misconduct you should inform the Club Committee Members.
  • Promote a good image of Berrinba Runners (not limited to whilst wearing club singlets or merchandise).
  • Have fun and enjoy yourselves.

Berrinba Runners is a family friendly welcoming group focused on inclusive and positive healthy community engagement. Negative behaviour does not have a place within the group. We hope those who cannot follow these guidelines or do not agree with the ethos of the group can remove themselves without intervention. We as a group will exercise a zero tolerance policy to negative behaviour in the interests of our greater member base.

The Berrinba Runners Committee