
Berrinba Runners AGM

Published Mon 23 Nov 2020

22/11/20, Berrinba Runners has held its first AGM.  Thank you to those members who attended, your interest and feedback is appreciated. It is our members who will contribute to making Berrinba Runners grow into the future.

Thank you to the committee members for their efforts in building this running group.  Given the challenges we have had to face in 2020, this has been an amazing effort. Thank you Kevin, Alison and Adam for volunteering your time every week to provide us with structured coaching which is inclusive to all levels of runner.  Everyone loves your sessions, even if hills are involved.

The committee that will lead us into the next year will be...

Kevin Thirkill - Club President

Kell Calvert - Vice President

Judy Hunt - Secretary

Peta Smith - Treasurer

Shannon Stevenson -Social Media

Alison Read - Event Co-ordinator

Adam Shannon - Merchandise

However, all of this would not be possible without our generous sponsors as well...


Jim Chalmers - thank you Jim for always supporting our running community, look forward to seeing you back at parkrun soon

Brisbane Foot Clinic - thank you Leonie Robinson and Wayne for your wonderful support to help get our small running group off the ground.

Australia Post Community Grants and



#berrinbarunners #strongertogether


If you’re interested in joining as a member, and participating in training, you can register via this site, clicking home and the 'registration' tab.  One annual fee of $35.00 for adults & $12.00 for juniors, gives you access to our local training.


Look forward to seeing you at training soon.


The Berrinba Committee