Learn to Row


Cost: $80

The Bendigo Rowing Club offers an eight session, “Learn to Row” (L2R) program for both Master and Junior participants. The program is aimed at introducing beginners to rowing, providing them with the basic technique and giving them a chance to decide whether rowing is for them or not before committing to full membership. Session days/times are as mutually agreed with your coach. Beginners are give two lessons free before they commit to the L2R progarm of 8 lessons for $80.

All L2R participants are required to complete a membership form which you will find online under the membership tab (where the membership form is also available to download as a hard copy.) BRC account details to transfer the L2R fee is provided on the membership forms.

Junior (under 18yrs) members must also complete a Junior Learn to Row application which requires a parent signature. The Junior L2R application can be found here. 

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