Thursday C Grade Practice Session 1

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

C Grade Practice  Sessions - 1 session only
With reduced number (currently maximum of 10** people + supervisors). People attending must be current C grade players. Once allowed numbers increase, we will allow the general public access to these sessions.   Your details will be provided to BDTTA. This information shall not be used for any other pupose.

From late October the number of people allowed is expected to increase to 30 people but you must be double vaccinated.
This means all Parents & Players >16 years will be required to be fully vaccinated to enter the stadium.

Allowed attendance numbers will increase as restrictions are lifted. This limit is government mandated and cannot be increased until the restrictions are eased.

If Covid restrictions are lifted (to >50 people) the event will be cancelled and normal attendance arrangements will resume


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