Navigation (Nav with Baz)


Mon 01 Nov 2021 18:00 — Mon 08 Nov 2021 21:00
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Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Have you ever wondered what a waypoint is or been overwhelmed by the Nav jargon? Terms such as Rhumb line, Leeway, Great Circle, Passage planning, seem confusing but will become second nature. Our Navigation course will teach you the basics. You’ll be able to plot a position on a chart, calculate a course and estimate the transit times. You’ll be able to identify common features on charts such as lighthouses and cardinal marks and plan how to avoid danger. The course has a focus on demystifying the terminology, but also promoting an awareness of the limitations of using entirely electronic charting. By the end of this course you'll have the basics to navigate your way down the channel safely. We've spread this course over three nights so that you can practice in between sessions.

Barry (Baz) has had a lifetime working in marine science and as a charter skipper and has put togther a targeted course to get you started in the world of navigation. We will have all of the equipment you need to plot positions and courses including charts.

This course is very informal and highly interactive. We''ll have you on the dividers and marking up charts very quickly!

Cost: 250.00 Don't forget that if you are a BYC memeber to use the code "BYC" for a 10% discount

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