
AVSL Changes for 2023-2024

Published Wed 27 Sep 2023

There have been some changes made to AVSL for the 2023-2042 season. Changes that impact competitions held at Landy Field are detailed below or click here to view the full AVSL Members Guide


Over the last few seasons, we have also identified many athletes entering the same event at two venues, despite being unable to compete in both. This can cause delays in the program or take positions in events that other members miss out on the opportunity to fill.   This season athletes will no longer be eligible to enter the same event twice in the AVSL Round.   Where an athlete enters an event discipline more than once per AVSL round (e.g., in more than one field session or the same discipline at more than one venue) only the LAST entered entry for that event will be accepted and all previous entries for that event will be withdrawn by Athletics Victoria.   This means if you enter the Shot Put at Geelong, then return to the entry portal and enter at a Metro venue, your entry at Geelong will be cancelled but your Shot Put at the metro venue will be kept.   We strongly encourage athletes to only enter one venue each round, unless you will be travelling between the two venues on the one day to compete in events at both venues.


We have seen over the past few seasons several athletes who enter AVSL Rounds and then do not attend the venue they have entered. We understand at times there can be unforeseen circumstances that may see you miss attending an AVSL round, but if this occurs three (3) or more rounds within the season you may now be penalised.  These penalties can be issued by Athletics Victoria with the support of the AVSL Committee with sanctions including but not limited to restricted access periods to AVSL round/s and prohibiting entry into an upcoming AVSL round/s.


This season AVSL will be 12 rounds of competition with the club finishing on top of the ladder after 12 rounds taking home the AVSL Shield for their division. This brings AVSL Competition in line with our XCR Competition with participation throughout the full season the key to taking home the shield!  


We see AVSL as a whole club encompassing competition and we are excited in season 2023/24 to reward clubs, and their club helpers, that make AVSL possible!  This year if clubs provided their rostered club helpers for the round, they will be awarded a 5% bonus to their final round score!  


Club Helpers that want to make a BIG impact on their club’s ability to take home a premiership can also directly contribute to their club’s ladder points!  Clubs that provide a new Victorian Official will have one (1) additional Ladder Point per new official upon application to Athletics Victoria.  

To be eligible as a new Victorian Official you must:

  • Not have been a registered as an Athletics Victoria Official previously, or,
  • Have been a registered Athletics Victoria Official but have not registered or acted as an official for Athletics Victoria in the previous five (5) years.  

New Officials will only have their club awarded one (1) additional ladder point if they complete the following steps:

  • Register with World Athletics e-learning via and complete a minimum of two modules of the World Athletics Level 1 or Apprentice technical official e-learning.
  • Complete the NEW OFFICIAL APPLICATION FORM to act as an official during an AVSL meet.
  • Act in an official capacity in at least 3 AVSL meets of which they must be allocated by Athletics Victoria or a relevant Regional Zone officials’ manager.  


Following changes at World Masters we have changed the 40+ & 50+ Men’s steeplechase specification to replicate that of WMA. This will see the 40+ and 50+ Men compete over the 3000m steeplechase at a height of 84cm. This may be run concurrently with the Men’s U18 Steeple whom complete 2000m over the same steeple height.  
