Oatley Park via the M5 path

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.
Ride Leader  Andrew Elliston - 0414 224 138 
Grade Medium-Hard
Distance  54 km (with 447 m climbing)
Pace  Low to Mid 20s, average 20 - 22  km/h
Weather cancellation  6:30am
Cafe  Oatley.



Ride south from Concord through Croydon and Croydon Park to the Cooks River and M5 shared path network to Oatley Park. Ride includes a lookout at Oatley Park to across the Georges River past Como, and a visit to Oatley Castle within the park. Enjoy coffee within Oatley. Return via the Cup and Saucer creek, and then a similar way back through Croydon.

If you would like to participate please register. Also feel free to call me to discuss.  

The map can be found at:  https://ridewithgps.com/routes/45015949