Concord to Bobbo Loop via Hornsby

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.
Ride Leader  Andrew Elliston - 0414 224 138 
Distance  70 km
Pace  Low to Mid 20s, average 20 - 22  km/h
Weather cancellation  7:00am
Cafe  In North Turramurra



This ride with stunning Bobbin Head views for the more enegetic and experienced rider who will depart from Concord, climbing up through Eastwood, Epping, Turramurra and Hornsby. Ride continues along the Pacific Hwy till it reaches the turn off to Bobbin Head. The ride descends to the waters of Bobbin Head, then back up to North Turramurra where we weill stop for coffee.  Return will continue through to Turramurra, and then will commence the descent to Meadowbank before returning to Concord. 

If you would like to particiapte please register. Also feel free to call me to discuss.