Concord to Parramatta Park Symphony Under the Stars

Event information

This event has passed.
Ride Leader Rolf Muller 0403 754 026
Distance 38km
Pace Low 20s, average 18km/h
Weather cancellation 5:30pm
Cafe Food kiosks at destination



Come and join us for a night of culture and riding pleasure.

Beware that this is a night time ride and lights are mandatory, not just because its the law but we'll be riding along unlit paths on the way back.

It'll most most likely be a warm summer evening so bring mozzie counter measures for your comfort.

We'll enjoy watching the sun set while riding along the Parramatta Valley Cycle way and into Parramatta Park in time to get seated for the concert.

The Symphony starts at 8pm and is held at The Crescent, a natural amphitheater in the park.

The grass is reasonably comfortable or BYO Blanket or cushion. I'll take a trailer if anyone needs transport of small, light items.

Food is available from stalls a the back of the seating area.

Some Traffic / Uses Off-road Cyclepaths / For experienced riders only 

Riding time 2hrs. The concert finishes at 9.30pm. We expect to be back at Concord by around 10.30pm.

Public transport is available at Parramatta Railway station.

Dress , is Lycra or casual or formal or whatever you're comfortable with.