BNSW Christmas Ride

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.
Ride Leader Mike Botton 0418275707
Distance 30
Pace Low 20s, average 18km/h
Weather cancellation 6:30am
Cafe Lord Nelson



This is a special event which will lead to meeting up with other BUG riders at the Christmas Tree in Martin Place at 11:30 then on to the Lord Nelson for lunch. Note registrations must be made by 11 Dec so BNSW can book the lunch tables.

We will leave the carpark at Brewer St at 8:15, and Five Dock Park, First Avenue Five Dock at 8:30 to ride to the Bay Run, over the ANZAC Bridge through Pyrmont and the city to Observatory Hill, The Opera House and to Mrs Macquarie's Chair. It will be a leisurely pace exploring sites along the way to arrive at Martin Place at 11:30. After a group photo of all the BUGs in attendance we ride to the Rocks for lunch at The Lord Nelson.

Here is the invitation from BicycleNSW:

Let’s get into the festive mood by decorating our bikes and ourselves and maybe even jump into a Santa suit and make our way into the city!

(rides  will need to be planned by each of the BUGs)


You may like to ride to Observatory Hill and the Opera House to take some photos and then make your way to the Christmas Tree at Martin Place for a 11.30am meet and group photo followed by a lovely lunch at the Lord Nelson Hotel

Even if you are unable to make a ride but can join us for the Christmas photo at Martin Place that would be wonderful.

When: Sunday December 17th

Where: Meet at the Christmas Tree in Martin Place 11.30am for group BUG Christmas photo

Lunch Venue:  
12.30pm Lord Nelson Hotel (see map below)
19 Kent St, The Rocks (upstairs reserved area)
Bar Menu and prices available HERE