Concord to the Opera House

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.
Ride Leader Andrew Elliston - 0414 224 138
Distance  35 km
Pace  Low 20s, average 18km/h
Weather cancellation  6:30am
Cafe  A Circular Quay cafe



Leaving the carpark at Brewer St, Concord, we ride towards the city, around the rocks and then to the Opera House for a quick photo, before visiting a cafe at Circular Quay.

The standard route will be modified as follows:
- will visit Blackwattle Bay first, and return via Annandale (this is in reverse)
- will pass around the Darling Harbour Foreshore, and Barangaroo on the way to the Opera House
- will return using the Cahill Express walk which has tremendous views

We expect to be back either side of 10.30.