The Coal Loader

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.
Ride Leader  Andrew Elliston - 0414 224 138 
Distance 48 km
Pace Low 20s, average 19km/h
Weather cancellation 6:30am 
Cafe In Waverton



Concord to Balls Head (Waverton) to view the Coal Loader, an aboriginal rock carving, and the harbour.

Leaving the carpark at Brewer St, Concord, we cross the Parramatta River at to Meadowbank, ride up to North Ryde, follow the Epping Rd shared path through to St Leonards, where we then move to back streets to reach Waverton. We return via the harbour foreshore past Luna Park, and through Kirribilli past Kirribilli House and Government House. Finally we pass through the Inner West to return to Concord.


Riders are to be comfortable riding many hills, are to be experienced riders, having geared bikes. Please contact the ride leader if you would like to discuss suitability.