Concord to the Opera House

Event information

This event has passed.
Ride Leader Stelio Pappas - 0431 814 917
Distance 35 km
Pace Low 20s, average 18km/h
Weather cancellation 6:00am
Cafe City Extra, Circular Quay

Pickup Times

6:15am Concord West (near St Ambrose Church)

6:30am Brewer St (Official Start)

6:45am First Ave, Five Dock (Opposite Domremy College)


Leaving the carpark at Brewer St, Concord, we ride towards the city, around the rocks and then to the Opera House for a quick photo, before grabbing some breakfast at City Extra.

While the start time is 6:30 at Brewer St, the traditionalists will start at Concord West 15mins earlier.

We expect to be back 10.00 -10.30 ish.