Katoomba Kapers


Sun 27 Nov 2022 06:30 — 13:00

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Ride Leader  John Martin 0410 69 1999
Distance 58km (see text)
Pace 30kph, average 24.5kph
Grade Medium / Hard

Note, this rider does not start at Brewer Street but at Strathfield Railway Station. Riders will meet on the platform at Strathfield station to board the 6:37 am service to Katoomba (ETA 8:25am). Bring your Opal Card!

After a coffee stop in Katoomba (you will need cash) we take an easterly route, partly via local streets (approx two thirds of the distance) and also on the busier Great Western highway (approx one third of the distance) to Penrith.

The ride undulates its way through the villages of the Blue Mountains, with around 300m of elevation but more importanly descending almost 1200m, as we head gradually down to the plains.

Because of the largely downhill nature of the ride, average speeds are higher than normal so riders must be confident in their ability to descend at speed, particularly on main roads. You'll also need good brakes and know how to use them! Also due to the descent, we are likely to experience cool temperatures/wind chill, so be prepared with sufficient layers to stay warm.

Due to the duration of the outing I recommend packing an extra snack or two with you.

The ride will officially end at Penrith train station around 12:30pm, from there riders will have the choice of taking the train back to Strathfield, or for the energetic, riding back to the start (approx 50km).