
Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.
Ride Leader                                                   David Parmeter                                                                      0439763739                                                    
Distance 57 Ks        
Pace average speed low 20's, faster on the flat  
Weather cancellation  0615 by email  


Leaving the carpark at Brewer St, Concord, we ride through Sydney Olympic Park, along the M4 cycleway to Merrylands, with a comfort stop at Holroyd Gardens, then south on Military Rd to Guildford. We turn right at Loftus Street and then cross Fairfield Road and join the Prospect Creek Cycleway. At the Prospect Highway we turn north and join the Lower Prospect Canal bikepath. We will detour for coffee stop at Granata's at Pemulwuy, then rejoin the path heading east. At Albert Street Guildford we leave the path and head north, following the roads to Merrylands before rejoining the M4 path and riding back to Olympic Park and Concord.

Please refer to the attached map for the approximate route.