Concord to Cape Solander (Whale watching)

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.
Ride Leader Rolf Muller - 0403 754 026
Distance 91 km
Pace Moderate Mid - high 20s, average 22km/h
Weather cancellation 6:30am



“It is not down on any map; true places never are.”

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        for moby dick

This Sunday's ride departs from the car park in Brewer St Concord for a 7:30 start on Sunday.

We head south-east along the Cooks River cycleway, then proceed south along the back streets behind Botany Bay and over Captain Cook Bridge.

Back streets thru Taren Point, cycle ways around Woolaware Bay and on to wide shoulder of Captain Cook Drive, all the way to Kurnell.

A few more kms to the whale monitoring station at Cape Solander Lookout. Bring your binoculars and a snack.

Coffee and pastries at the Milkhouse Kurnell.

Return to Concord is the reverse of the way out.