Concord to Post Office Cafe Marrickville

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.
Ride Leader Rolf Muller 0403 754 026
Distance 28 km
Pace Low 20s, average 18km/h
Weather cancellation 6:30am




Route Description


This Sunday we will ride from Concord through Strathfield then along the Cooks River shared pathway, all the way to Illawarra Rd, Marrickville.

Continuing up the hill to the Post Café for a well deserved coffee.

We will return via Dulwich Hill, Haberfield and Fivadocke.

Departs: 7.00am, Corner Brewer St and Majors Bay Rd, Concord.

BayBUG grading: Easy / Medium

Distance: 30 kms

Time in saddle, about 2hrs. I expect the ride to return to Concord about 10:30am.

Some traffic/ uses off-road Cycle paths / for experienced riders only/ some hills.