
Step 1/6: Let's get started
Step 1/6: Let's get started

Thank you for registering with Barwon Dodgeball Association (BDA).

You can pay online. Just click 'renew' as previous players are in the system already. 
If you have never played with us before, then please click 'register'

By submitting your registration or renewal, you agree to the terms of our indemnity release form.
In consideration of being allowed to participate in dodgeball matches, training and associated events ('activities') organised and/or supervision be Barwon Dodgeball Association INC hereby acknowledge, agree and confirm the following:
A) There are inherent risks associated with activities which may result in personal injury (even serous in nature) to participants. I fully accept and agree to bear these events.
B) To the full extent permitted by law I absolve, release, discharge and indemnify the Association, its officers, employees, representatives and agents ('indemnities') from any and all liability for any injury, loss, cost, charge, expense or damage suffered by me however caused, arsing from or incurred directly or indirectly as a result of my participation in the activities, including without limitation, where caused by any act, omission, default or negligence of the indemnities. I have read, understood, acknowledge and agree to all the matters referred to in this statement including the warning, release and indemnity. 

All players, spectators, coaches, officials and parents must adhere to our policies. We aim to promote fun, social and fair play at Barwon Dodgeball. Anyone breaching these terms are subject to review by the BDA board and risk expulsion from the competition

If you have any questions contact us on

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