Declaration of Applicant
I understand that I must abide by the Rules and By-laws of the Club and I must obey the lawful and reasonable directives of the Captain, Vice-Captains and Committee of Management as provided by the Rules.
I, the undersigned, as a condition of acceptance of my membership of Balmain Rowing Club, for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, hereby waive all and any claim, right or cause of action which they or I might otherwise have arising out of loss of my life or injury, damage or loss of any description whatsoever which I may suffer or sustain in the course of or consequent upon my membership of Balmain Rowing Club or participation in any activity resulting from said membership. This waiver, release and discharge applies to all persons, corporations and bodies involved or otherwise engaged in the running of the Club and the agents, representatives and officers of any of them.
To the best of my knowledge, I am not suffering from any condition that would prevent and/or render me unfit to participate in rowing activities. I confirm that I will advise a member of Balmain Rowing Club Committee immediately in writing if I suspect that these circumstances have changed.
I acknowledge that rowing is a dangerous sport and I expressly warrant that I will not participate in any water based rowing activity unless and until I have read the FISA safety manual* (“FISA Minimum Guidelines for the Safe Practice of Rowing”) and NSW Maritime Code of Conduct for Rowing and Sculling Shells. I agree to comply with these documents.
I confirm I can swim 100 metres in rowing clothes.
I agree to pay subscriptions and all debts I may incur to the Honorary Treasurer. I also realise that to compete I must be a registered member of Rowing New South Wales Association and FISA and must comply with the definition of an amateur as set down by Rowing New South Wales Association and FISA.
I understand that Balmain Rowing Club does not provide personal accident insurance cover for me while I participate in the activity of rowing. This insurance cover is provided by Rowing NSW for its members, as detailed on their website. I understand that to obtain this insurance cover I must register as a member of Rowing NSW.
I understand that Balmain Rowing Club shall retain and use the above personal information in accordance with the Club’s privacy policy as shown on the website*, which I have read and understood.
I have read the Working with Children Declaration form*. I certify that I am not a person prohibited from working with children under the Act and agree to the conditions stated in that form.
I have read and understood the Club’s OH&S document and I agree with the terms and have met all conditions.
I have read and understood the Club’s Safety Handbook.
I have read and understood the BRC Code of Conduct