Blue Learn to Sail

Blue: Start Sailing 1 and Start Sailing 2

An introduction to sailing aimed at 7~14 year olds. Sometimes we have a group of slightly older children in it too.

Run over a summer season, all the basics are introduced, children often sail in pairs in Manly Juniors or Nippas. Depending on size, experience and wind strength we also use our Puffins. The kids have heaps of fun and are mentored by our experienced teenage sailors with adult support.

Parents are immediately involved with deck duties and opportunities to assist on water. Everyone learns and it involves all the family.

All of our instructors and support team are Australian Sailing (AS) registered, we impliment the AS Discover Sailing  syllabus and progression program.

When all the skills are demonstrated  the children progress to the next levels, Better Sailing and Start Racing commonly called Red Group at the club. 

Skills learnt include:

  • Identifying the wind direction and strength
  • How to set the sails depending on wind direction and which way the boat is pointing.
  • Changing direction ... tacking and gybing
  • How to go upwind, downwind and reaching
  • How to rig and care for the equipment
  • Launching and retrieving boats off the shore.
  • Capsizing safely to have fun
  • How to sail a triangle

There are two courses each of 6 weeks which and run consecutively after completion of Blue group students a invited to enrol into Red group and continue their progression and advance their sailing skills.

Blue is run on Sunday mornings between approx 8:30 ~11:00am.

How to Join & Register:

First register to join the club, chose family membership if more than one of you will be sailing, else junior membership for the child who will be sailing on our registration page.

Then register for the learn to sail Blue Group

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