Centreboard Working Bee - 30th July 2022

Event information

This event has passed.

Working Bees are essential to keep the club's training fleet and equipment in good working order. They also offer the opportunity for us to undertake simple repair and building works. All members are encouraged to participate in anyway they can - from cleaning through to skilled boat repairs.

All efforts are welcome and needed, so please help out were you can for the time you have available.

On the list for this working bee is:

Boat Issue
Nippa 0 Centreboard Elastic to be replaced
Nippa 2 Centreboard Elastic to be replaced
Nippa 4 Fibreglass mounting for Hiking strap needs repair
Nippa 7 Storage bag needs to be fixed to bulkhead
Nippa 7 Leaking Centreboard Case
Nippa 8 Centreboard Elastic to be replaced
Nippa 8 Replace hiking straps
Nippa 8 Leaking Centreboard Case
Nippa 9 Centreboard Elastic to be replaced
MANY 5 NIppa Tiller extensions required - purchase 10
MANY 5 Nippa Centreboards to be made (not to fat)
F11 1191 Replace drainage flaps
F11 1109 Replace drainage flaps
F11 1183 Replace drainage flaps
F11s Sponges to soak up water in flotation tanks, and a couple spare for the Nippas

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