An in person information session for parents and sailors returning for the 2021/22 season
Sailing pathways and progression for young sailors
Which boat is most suited to your child MJ, BIC or F11 ?
Skipper or Crew ?
How much are boats ? Are they easy to buy & sell ?
Q and A for parents and sailors with current coaches, club captain & commodore.
Hear from the celebrated sailor, Clare Costanzo, skipper of Fusion Racing, an all-female match racing team from the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club that have taken out a number of awards. Clare and most of her crew learned to sail at Avalon. They progressed through our Blue, Red & Gold sailing groups to compete locally and internationally in many classes of Dinghy & Keel Boat.
They were set to sail the Sydney to Harbort as an all woman crew onboard Drumfire in 2020, only for the race to be cancelled due to COVID.