International student ski trip!

Event information

Registration for this event closes at Fri 04 Apr 2025 12:30PM.

Join us for a celebration of the Australian outdoors at our International Student Ski Day!!

We are running a trip on Saturday the 5th specifically for international students to come and experience the river, water activities, and meet new people! We will spend the day beside the river, taking rides in the boat, playing games on the grass and sharing a barbecue for lunch - all included. Carpooling transport/fuel is also included - we will meet at the UniBar at 8:00am before driving to White Sands in groups.

Please bring bathers, a towel, hat, water bottle, sunscreen and a camera to take lots of photos with your friends!!

There are NO PREREQUISITES for attending. Especially if you don't know how to swim or struggle to feel comfortable around water this is the perfect opportunity to experience the river in a truly safe and inclusive environment. This event is also completely inclusive of non-students and locals - a great opportunity to meet new people through a fun activity.

Please purchase full membership and register for the event using the link below!

$80: The price includes transport and a full day of activities - and your membership can be used for future events with the club!!

Reach out if you have any questions at all,

I hope to see you there,


0498 490 848