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As an AUSF-affiliated club, AUTC is governed by an elected committee made up of club members. Members can be students and non-students, and share a passion for the development of touch in the state and the ever-growing touch community around the university.
As part of this, the club has outlined strategic goals and strategies to achieve these goals. Along with the governance documents listed below, the club has outlined a strategic plan for the next 5 years of the club. This plan outlines the mission statements of the club and the key objectives that it wishes to see achieved for the state of touch football in SA.
As with any elected body, the AUTC committee is governed by its constitution and regularly updates it in line with the AUSF governing body. Included below is the most recent edition of the club constitution.
Get Involved
If you are interested in being on the Club Committee, we have attached rough committee position descriptions below. To be on the committee, you need to be elected at the club's AGM, and must be a financial member of the Adelaide University Touch Club. Any position on the committee may go up for re-nomination at the next AGM. Committee members are expected to attend all meetings, unless prior exception is given. Meetings are typically held once a month.
Being on the committee is a great way to expand your CV whilst at university, as well as being a great opportunity to leave your mark on a club rich with history and achievement within the state. If you feel passionate about improving the ongoings of the club, or giving back to the touch community, consider applying for the club committee at our next AGM!
Previous Committee
Tyson Blanco (2019/20 - present)
Lachlan McAllister (2016/17 - 2018/19)
Katie Richards (2014/15 - 2015/16)
Sebastian Amadeo (2014) - Removed via Vote of No Confidence
Jimmy Ha (2013/2014)
Chrissi Thompson (2012/13)
Jo Waugh (2010/11-2011/12)
Jeffrey Dutschke (2006/7-2008/9)
Matt Gray (2003/4-2005/6)
Fleur Bowden (2002/3)
Tony Wilkinson (1987)