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The club regularly hosts committee meetings as well as our Annual General Meeting (AGM). All financial club members are welcome at club meetings, and have the option to have their voice heard and make suggestions.
The club recommends that club members contact the club via email to voice any suggestions, feedback or opinions to avoid prolonged committee meetings.
Committee Meetings
As per our club constitution, the Secretary shall ensure a meeting of the Committee is called at least six times per calendar
year. Any Committee member has a right to call a committee meeting provided seven days’ notice is given. At these meetings, club matters will be discussed and minuted. These minutes can be made available to financial members of the club upon request.
Annual General Meetings
At the Annual General Meeting all office and committee positions shall be made open for election and those positions shall be filled. The Committee shall convene an Annual General Meeting for all financial members once in every calendar year to be held as early as practicable in October at such time and place as may be determined by the Committee.
Notice of the Annual and every Special General Meeting shall be given at least fourteen (14) days before such meeting on the Sports Association notice board, to the Secretary of the Sports Association and where practicable in the Club’s publications and shall include a statement of the items of business to be brought before such meeting. The business of an Annual General Meeting shall be to receive and consider the Annual Report prepared by the President, audited Financial Statements, to elect office bearers and to transact any other business of which sufficient notice under this Constitution is given.
A minimum of fifteen members or ten per cent of financial members (whichever is greater) attending in person will constitute a quorum of an Annual General Meeting. No person shall be competent to vote at any Annual or Special General Meeting unless they are a current financial member of the Club.