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Founded in 1981, the Adelaide University Touch Club has prided itself on being a leading institution in the South Australian Touch scene. AUTC provides a friendly environment with coaching and support for beginning and experienced players, whether they are students or non-students. AUTC has been affiliated with Adelaide University Sport and Fitness (AUSF) since 1983.
AUTC is the largest Touch Football club in South Australia and caters to complete beginners through to players who compete at National Competitions and the club regularly enters teams in Women's, Men's, and Mixed competitions all year round across the state.
The club also runs a summer touch competition out at Waite Oval between October and February. More information on competition registration can be found on the Waite page.
Over the years, the club has been honoured to foster amazing talent that has gone on to represent the University, the State and the Nation in Touch Football Competitions.
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