
Adelaide University Table Tennis Club


Welcome to the greatest table tennis club on Earth... (well... the greatest table tennis club in Adelaide Uni at least...)

The Adelaide University Table Tennis club has a long and storied history within Clubs Land of the University. With over 50 years of history, many students and members of the public have graced our courts and wielded our bats. With roots in competitive play with past affilitation with Table Tennis South Australia (TTSA), the club is now primarily a Social Club where members come to have a hit and take a breather from lectures/tutorials.

Each year the club offers:

  • 3 sessions a week - Monday, Wednesday and Friday (held in the George Murray Room)
  • Social events for both members and non-members
  • Tournaments and Competitions including:
    • Internal university tournaments
    • SA Challenge - an intervarsity competition held between UoFA, UniSA and Flinders.
    • UniNationals - a nationwide competition between universities organised by UniSport Australia.
      • We sent our first team in over 7 years in 2023, placing 9th in the Gold Coast.
      • This improved in 2024 where we finished 6th in Canberra

High performing members competing at UniNationals also give themselves a chance to be selected for the World University Games. 

Make sure to check out and follow our Instagram @adelaideunitabletennisclub as this is where the majority of club news and information is posted.